13 June 2008

a blog is a blog is a blog.

though ive browsed through plenty of other people's blogs and rant pages, ive never actually gotten into blogging myself. i find this amusing, as i am a writer and a thinker. i like to network and share my views and experiences. so i might as well start blogging. a bit about myself:

i am an independent world traveler who hates to stay in one place for more than a few weeks at a time. i have an associate's degree in literature as well as a bachelor's degree in anthropology. i will begin graduate school this fall, focusing on political science as my major. i have taken six languages, including french, latin, italian, spanish, hebrew and japanese. obviously, i speak english. i am also fluent in two childhood languages: pig latin and jibberish.

my traveling addiction began sometime between the womb and the philadelphia birthing center in which i was born. my parents constantly traveled domestically and took me and my four younger brothers along with them. before the age of nineteen, i had traveled decently throughout the states and had also visited canada, mexico and ireland.

i ended up visiting france and italy on my own shortly breaking up with an ex-boyfriend. this was my first time traveling alone internationally, and i found the experience to be thoroughly exciting. i wandered the streets of paris and rode trains with no destination. i accidentally walked to the effiel tower from some random stop near the river. i stayed in my first hostel in italy and met a guy who had a mutual friend in california. i lost my party on new year's eve and was scooped up by an italian who made out with me and summoned his younger brother to get me back safely to my hostel. the trip was only about a week long, but it was only the beginning of the rest of my life.

last summer, i spent two months living in a small town in coastal ecuador. here, i studied culture and anthropology. i went to the country with no previous knowledge of the language, and came out conversational. weekend trips and outings were amazing. i once took 3 buses 10 hours to see incan remains. it was an amazing summer, which i will cover more extensively at a later time.

this past march, i spent a month in argentina. i lived in a residencia in buenos aires and attended classes at UBA. i met people from around the world, with whom i am still in contact. perhaps my two most outstanding memories were the 22 hour bus ride to bariloche in patagonia and the 4 hour ferry across the murky brown rio de plata to uruguay. again, more at another time.

now, i am on the brink of a ten day trip to peru. i would officially like to blog this voyage as i bounce from hostel to hostel, city to city. i think this will be beneficial to both myself and the reader and look forward to nurturing my first blog.